Have You Checked Your Home for Radon?

Have You Checked Your Home for Radon?

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that comes from the soil.  Long-term exposure in your home could lead to a variety of health issues.  There are many areas in Kansas City where radon is present in the soil.  The tricky thing is that radon may be strong in one house while the surrounding houses have significantly less radon.  As with almost every neighborhood in Kansas City, there are a few homes in Eastridge Meadows with radon remediation systems.  Several of us have already tested our homes for radon and have found that the levels are below that required for a remediation system to be installed.

It’s also important to know about radon if you are selling or buying a home as many buyers today are requesting radon testing as part of the prerequisites for completing a home purchase.

The good news is that radon tests are moderately priced, can be performed by the homeowner themselves, and the results can be back in the homeowner’s hands within just a couple of weeks. Take a look at Radon Zone as one source for radon testing kits.

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